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5 Common Reasons for Divorce in NJ

Reasons for divorce in NJ

In the past, divorce was not a common practice. Today, things are much different, as nearly 50% of all marriages end in divorce.

This alarming statistic has many people questioning the reasons for divorce in NJ.

Read on to discover some of the most common reasons people get divorced in New Jersey.


Lack of Shared Interests/Values


Many couples simply find themselves unable to bond over their interests. Once the initial honeymoon phase wears off, some partners realize they don’t have much in common. They also may find that their core values are too different to continue their life together.

It is also common for married couples to find themselves incompatible after their children leave home. The children have been the focus for many years, leaving the marriage to take a backseat. When the children have moved on, couples find their compatibilities are no longer there.


Financial Problems


One of the top reasons for divorce is money issues. Struggling financially stresses the relationship that not every couple can work through.

Many couples disagree on how to handle their finances. It can cause a strain on the relationship if one partner is irresponsible in spending or hides their financial activity from their spouse. Communicating and working toward financial goals together is essential to a successful partnership.




It is no secret that arguing can put a strain on any marriage. When couples continue to disagree and argue, it is likely, they will come to resent each other.


Communication Issues


Another primary reason for starting the divorce process is the inability to communicate with your spouse. If you can’t talk to your partner, you won’t be able to work through your problems. Knowing how to have healthy conversations about how you are feeling is essential.

Failing to communicate can also allow feelings to build up over time and cause a big outburst. If you have too many of these outbursts, you can start a pattern of fighting that can destroy your relationship.




Infidelity, otherwise referred to as cheating, is a big problem among couples. Nearly 20% of married men and 13% of married women report cheating on their spouses.

This is often the last straw for many married couples. For many, infidelity breaks their trust in their spouse, which will never return.


Do You Relate to These Reasons for Divorce in NJ


If you relate to any of these reasons for divorce in NJ and are considering divorce, the Family Law Attorneys at Dalena & Bosch is here to help you. The divorce process is never easy, but it can be better with the right legal help.

The expert divorce attorneys at Dalena & Bosch will work with you to make filing for divorce less stressful and as easy as possible, resulting in the best outcome for you. Feel free to contact Delana & Bosch today with any questions or concerns.

For more divorce information, browse our blog to see what articles may interest you. We have over 100 on a variety of family law topics.

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