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How Long Do You Have To Be Married in NJ to Get Alimony?

How Long Do You Have To Be Married in NJ to Get Alimony?

How Long Do You Have to Be Married in NJ to Get Alimony?

In the last 60 years, spousal support judgments have fallen from 25 percent to about 10 percent. Naturally, that gets married couples considering divorce curious.

A few common questions are: What are the alimony laws in New Jersey? How is alimony determined in NJ? Or can you get alimony after 3 years of marriage in NJ?

All worthy of answers if you have sacrificed a lot for your marriage. To help shed some light, we’ve put together this quick guide on what to expect from alimony judgments. Let’s begin!


Types of Alimony

When it comes to NJ alimony laws, a few things are worth knowing. First and foremost, there are two basic types of alimony: permanent and temporary.

Permanent alimony is extremely rare in the state. In fact, the courts are much more likely to award alimony that can be modified as circumstances change.

If you expect financial support from your former spouse in New Jersey, you should prepare for the possibility that it may be discontinued or reduced at some point down the road. However, alimony is typically not set in stone like custody in divorce.


Standards Used to Determine Alimony Eligibility

The courts will consider one essential factor when determining alimony payments is the couple’s marital standard of living.

Suppose you can demonstrate that you need alimony to maintain a lifestyle like the one you had during your marriage. In that case, you are likely to be awarded more generous payments.

However, if you can show that you can make some adjustments and live within your current means, the court may award you a lower amount of alimony.

In any case, it is vital to clearly understand how the alimony process works in New Jersey before going to court.


Individual Needs and Circumstances

There are several additional factors that the courts will consider when determining whether to award alimony, including the length of the marriage, the earning capacity of each spouse, and the needs of each party.

The court may even factor in the marriage problems that led to the divorce. For instance, maybe one spouse was controlling and wouldn’t allow the other to better themselves.

The courts will also consider the standard of living enjoyed during the marriage, each spouse’s contributions to the marriage (including homemaking and child-rearing), and whether either party has been able to secure gainful employment.

In some cases, the receipt of alimony may be conditioned upon the recipient’s agreement to participate in vocational or rehabilitative training.


Answering What Are the Alimony Laws in New Jersey Puts You in a Good Position

We hope we’ve offered some enlightening answers to the question of the alimony laws in New Jersey and how long you have to be married in NJH to get alimony. If you’re still curious, reach out.

The attorneys at Dalena & Bosch have fought for the alimony rights of spouses for many years. They’re ready to do the same for you. Contact the expert divorce team at Dalena & Bosch for a consultation or any questions.

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