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Life After a Divorce For a Man

Life After a Divorce For a Man over 60, 50, men over 40 and all ages

Your Guide to Life After a Divorce for A Man

Among adults between the ages of 55 and 64, about 43% have been divorced at least once. Both males and females undoubtedly go through many challenges. This article addresses what life is like after a divorce for a man.

A divorce can bring up a lot of feelings and emotions. No guidebook tells you how you’re going to feel after the split.

You’ll have to relearn and unlearn some things, which will not be easy. However, we are here to make the grieving process a little easier. Read on to learn how to navigate life after divorce for men over 40, over 50, 60 and generally all ages.

Be Patient

When you’re coping with divorce, be patient with yourself. It can be a painful process, and there are many emotional stages that you’ll likely go through.

Don’t rush to get over your ex. Life will look very different, and it takes time to get used to.

You mustn’t compare your emotions to others, either. You may feel relief, anger, sadness, or even hope. It’s normal to be confused about your feelings; the best thing you can do is be patient.

Men and Divorce Emotional Stages

While being sad is normal when figuring out life after a divorce, it’s necessary to know the difference between sadness and depression. Depression is very serious and will need to be addressed right away. Not only does it affect your mood, but it can also manifest physically.

If you start feeling hopeless all day, almost every day, it’s time to seek some help. If you notice your eating habits have changed, don’t want to make decisions, or lack the energy to do your day-to-day tasks, you’re likely experiencing depression.

Don’t risk your physical and mental health; reach out for help. We know it can be challenging to talk about your emotions and feelings, but it will be worth it.

Redefine Yourself

You may have to take some time to redefine who you are without your partner. You’ve likely created patterns and gotten comfortable with your life with your partner; now, things will change.

You’ll need to figure out what you like to do. You might consider finding a new hobby or doing things outside your comfort zone.

Life after a divorce for a man over 50 will look different than life before the divorce. Over time during your marriage, you may have lost your identity. You’re no longer a husband, so you’ll need to find who you want to be.

Find A Support System

It’s crucial to have people you can reach out to during and after your divorce. On days you’re feeling sad, it will be more manageable if you have a friend or someone you can talk to. Make plans to get coffee, dinner, or drinks with a friend.

You and your ex-spouse probably had a lot of couple friends and hanging out with them without your ex may seem strange. It can be hard to meet new people but do your best to make some new friends. Joining a divorced support group for men is a great place to meet people going through similar situations.

Consider Therapy

Therapy can be a beneficial tool for life after divorce for men over 40. You’ll learn how to set boundaries with your ex-spouse and how to set goals for your future.

It can be hard to cut ties with your ex; sometimes, removing them from your life altogether is impossible, so you’ll need to know how to say ‘no’ and communicate with them. You’ll learn many coping skills to help you through your divorce.

Spend Time with Your Children

Divorce can be even more difficult if you and your ex-partner have children. Think about how hard it is for you; it’s worst for your children, no matter how old they are.

It would be best if you focused on spending time with them. Never put them in the middle of the fight. As hard as it may be, the best thing you can do is not talk badly about your ex in front of your children. If you do, there’s a good chance it will damage your relationship with them. They need both their parents.

Be intentional about your time with them. Fun activities can make your time together memorable, but keeping their schedule as normal as possible can be helpful, especially if they are younger. Many children feel the divorce is their fault, so be sure you communicate with them that they didn’t do anything wrong.


It can take months, sometimes years, to heal from a divorce. However, dating is part of life after a divorce for a man over 60. You might not remember how to date after being married, so take it slow. There’s no need to rush into another relationship; taking it slow is the best option.

Always be honest, but refrain from talking badly about your ex. If you’re dating someone who is always divorced, they may have some advice and be able to relate. You don’t have to avoid talking about your divorce but be sure to show interest in their life and talk about other topics.

Life After Divorce for Men Over 40, 50, 60 and Any Age

One of the most important things to remember when going through a divorce is that you’re not alone. Many resources can help with life after divorce for men over 40, a man over 50, over 60, and any age.

Contact our family law office, Dalena & Bosch, if you’re splitting from your ex and need advice. Our professional team of attorneys has worked with hundreds of clients, and we can help make the transition a little easier, whether it be alimony, child custody or other family law issues.

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