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Social Media and How It Can Affect Your Child Custody Case

Social Media and How It Can Affect Your Child Custody Case

How Social Media Can Impact Your Child Custody Case

Going through a child custody battle is no easy feat. It is riddled with stress, worry and will drive you to distraction. There may be several times when you feel like venting your frustrations to the whole world but taking your anger to social media is the worst thing you can do.

Social media & child custody battles are two things that should never mix. If you want to get the best result from your court proceedings, take a look at how social media can impact your child custody case.

Things You Say

You can guarantee that your former spouse’s attorneys will be keeping a close eye on your social media profile. If you say anything negative about your ex-partner, what happens in the courtroom or what the judge says, it’s likely the judge will hear about it.

The Pictures You Post

A seemingly harmless picture to you could be used against you in court. For example, posting a picture of you having some drinks with friends could be seen as you spending less time with your children or acting irresponsibly.

Similarly, posting pictures with your children with gifts you may have bought them or vacation could lead to a financial decrease in your child support agreement.

Your Child’s Social Media

If your children have their own social media pages, it’s essential to monitor what they post. Children can go through a range of emotions during a child custody battle and may want to express their thoughts on their page or a friend’s.

Along with written comments, the pictures they post can also affect your child custody case. It may be wise to discuss a social media plan with your children while the custody battle is ongoing.

Social Media Used as Evidence in Custody Battles in New Jersey

It isn’t always easy to figure out how social media can be used against you in family court.

The most important thing to remember is that your social media platforms aren’t as private as you may think they are. You may have adjusted your privacy settings thinking that your profile is private but that may not be the case.

If you have a momentary lapse of judgment and post something and then quickly delete it, it doesn’t mean it’s completely gone. It takes seconds for someone to see a post and save it. If you’re not sure whether you can safely post something, don’t risk it.

Many posts are also time-stamped. If you’re spending time with your children while posting on social media, it can be viewed as you not spending enough quality time with your children.

Get Help With Social Media & Child Custody

Social media & child custody battles can feel like treading through a minefield. It’s important to get professional help from a custody lawyer that specializes in family law. At Dalena & Bosch, you can trust us to get the best result for you and your children. Take a look at what we offer and get in touch today.

Below we list a few articles related to child custody.

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